School Meals

Our school meals are cooked on site by a team provided by our caterers, Hampshire County Council Education Catering.

School meals are much healthier than you think and are designed to help children follow healthy eating habits from a range of food across the week. The standard determines portion size and ensures children get the nutrition they need for the whole of the school day. They are also reviewed by Trading Standards too.  As a non-profit organisation, HCCEC work tirelessly to continue to provide a two course nutritious lunch for children that maintains quality ingredients and represents good value. To help dispel the myths about school meals being unhealthy, please click here and here to view some infographics produced by HCCEC.

Free School Meal eligibility checking is available here

If your child has a food allergy and requires a Special Diet, please click here for information on how to apply.

Click here for the standard menu October 2023 – March 2024.  The children can also choose a jacket potato each day with a choice of beans, cheese & beans or tuna mayonnaise.

Click here for the standard menu April 2024 – October 2024.  The children can also choose a school picnic lunch each day, with a different filled roll available each day.

You will also find the current school meals menu and other meals related information here.  School meals currently cost £3.00 per day and are paid for via your child’s Scopay account.  Lunch accounts should be kept topped up with credit.  All infant children (YR, Y1 & Y2) currently receive a free school meal.

School Milk Scheme

Under 5s receive a portion of milk free each day.  Milk is available to over 5s at a subsidised price.  Click here to apply