Year 6 – Rowan

Year 6 Production Photos – July 2024

20240705 – Y6 – Robin Hood

Class Presentation


Rowan Class  – October 2023

Year 6 have had an incredibly busy half-term, which started with a week in Calshot in September on our residential.  Some of the activities we enjoyed were kayaking, team-building, high-ropes, orienteering and climbing as well as enjoying time on the beach.  We would definitely recommend going on this trip!

Our topic this half-term is the Second World War, with a focus on D-Day.  We had a great day at the Museum of Army Flying where we got to see a Horsa Glider, try on clothes from the 1940s, walk through a 1940s house and make links to our English text, ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’.

We have also explored electricity in science, perspective in art and learnt the BODMAS rule in maths.  We are finishing our half-term with hot-chocolate and marshmallows as a reward for all our hard work.

Calshot, September 2023

Rowan Class started the academic year with a trip to Calshot. The children enjoyed the beautiful setting and a range of activities including skiing, snowboarding, sea kayaking, climbing, high wires, and many other excellent activities. 


Minstead, January 2022,

Day 1: We have been getting acquainted with the New Forest wildlife.

Day 2: The children managed to get some sleep last night! It’s been another busy day. We learnt about the water cycle and did some stream dipping finding lots of aquatic wildlife which we identified under the microscope. Then after lunch we set camera traps and built shelters, testing these out by eating a snack in them. All are in good spirits and keeping warm.

Click on the Teams logo to access the dedicated class virtual meeting space.

October 2021

Maple class have made a great start to Year 4 and have been learning where the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings fit on an historical timeline as well as how we know that Yateley was originally an Anglo-Saxon settlement. We have written our own version of the Beowulf story and in maths have secured our understanding of column addition and subtraction of 4-digit numbers. We have also been playing African drums, working collaboratively to form human machines and experimenting with electrical circuits. In Art we have sketched 3D illusions using perspective and kept active playing Tag Rugby. Quite a busy first half term!

June 2021

We have had a very busy summer term in Silver Birch. As well as getting to grips with a written method for adding and subtracting in Maths, we have been finding out about the Romans and when they occupied Britain. We have acted out the three attempts to invade and learned what it was like to be a Roman legionary and march in formation. We researched some of the benefits the Romans brought and also discussed whether the legend of Boudica was totally factual. In English we have written newspaper reports and diary entries based on events in our class text, while in Science we have made predictions and learned how plants and animals get nutrients. In music we have used musical notation and we are now throwing ourselves into athletics training in PE. As I said, it’s been a busy time in Year 3.

Creating a wildflower verge – May 2021

Before half term Silver Birch Class joined Gill Gray from Yateley Town Council in creating a wildflower verge. The children had lots of fun and can’t wait to see the flowers bloom.

April 2021

Salve (hello)!

Our topic for this term is The Romans. So far we have learned how Rome was founded, the extent of the Roman empire and in what time period in history the Romans were using a timeline. Soon we will look at life in Roman Britain. We are already engrossed in our new class text, an adventure story called ‘Roman Quests – Escape from Rome’ and have enthusiastically acted out a ‘robbers’ scene. As you saw earlier, we have also been learning some Latin words.

In maths we have learned to identify acute, obtuse and right angles and are now mastering short division and remainders. Mr Redhead is pleased with our progress learning our times tables. We are also developing our scientific skills. Last term we studied forces and magnets and we are currently investigating the functions of parts of a plant. We conducted an experiment with celery to discover how water is transported by plants.

In addition, we have played our own concertos and written our own musical notation in Music, while last term we used seam allowance to make water bottle holders in DT. It’s been a busy start to the summer term and all of Silver Birch class have been working hard.

Vale (farewell)!

February 2021

This half term Silver Birch Class have started their new topic – Beautiful Britain, and our new class text “The Enchanted Wood” by Enid Blyton, the renowned British children’s author. We have studied the 4 main periods of music and famous British composers as well as some famous British architects in Art. We have also looked at the counties of England, including our own. In Maths we have been learning expanded column addition and equivalent fractions. The children have been working hard whether they are at home or in school and it has been wonderful for the teaching staff to see everyone’s work. We are all looking forward to all being together again soon.

January 2021 Remote Learning

Silver Birch Class have live, interactive and compulsory daily lessons at 9:30, 11:00 and 13:15. Teachers will input to the children for approximately 15 minutes before the children complete approximately an hour of independent tasks offline. In addition children are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day at least 5 days a week. Click the Teams link below to join your lesson.

Digital copies of your work for today can be found here, paper copies can be picked up from the school.

You can submit your work to or drop paper copies off at school when picking up your work for the following day.

In addition to the schools core offer (outlined above) there are some fantastic free digital resources to support home learning. As a school we strongly recommend BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy to families wishing additional resources.

January 2021 Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge

Now, more than ever, it is important that pupils are physically active to support both their physical and mental well-being and the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines are for all children to be active for 60 minutes each day, 30 minutes of which is supported by schools.

As such, the Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge will begin on Monday 11th January and will initially run until February Half Term. Every Newlands pupil is invited to take part and each week we will email out the following week’s challenges.

The main aim of our campaign is to get and keep pupils (and adults if they wish) moving whilst trying to have some fun! The challenges will include some Well Being and Dance activities so should fit all tastes and preferences and participation certificates will be issued to those who take the challenge. The first week’s  challenges are attached and all that is required at the end of each week is to email  Mr Neighbour to inform him that you have completed the weekly challenges.

This is purely voluntary and not something you are expected or mandated to take part in but we hope you will find it of value and assistance during the latest lockdown situation.

HSG Week ONE Challenges (1)

Merry Christmas from Silver Birch


This half term Silver Birch class have been working hard, learning to tell the time in Maths and writing diary entries and menus for characters in The Iron Man, our new class text. In addition, we (including our adults) have been learning to play the Ukelele with Mr Jones which has been great fun. In Science we have been investigating soil and experimenting with cress while in PE we are enjoying getting muddy playing Tag Rugby. Earlier this month we commemorated Remembrance Day by writing our own War Poems.

In Silver Birch Class this term so far we have been practising our times tables and learning about bar charts in Maths, while in English we have created promotional leaflets. We are enjoying our class text “The Boy With The Bronze Axe”  and this is helping us with our topic of the Stone Age. We have worked on timelines from 3,000,000BC to 2020AD, experimented with rocks, made an animation and developed our cricket skills. Most importantly, we have all adapted to life in Year 3 really well.

Meet The Teacher  2020

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions we have been unable to host our popular Meet The Teacher sessions in school. Instead click on the links below to reader a letter of introduction from the class teacher and an expanded copy of our class presentation. If you could e-mail any questions you have to so that in the coming days we can make an FAQs page.

Year 3 letter to parents

Curriculum Evening Yr 3 Sept 2020


Year 2 have been working extremely hard on writing their stories about the Ice Palace. More recently we have been rewriting our own versions of Little Red Riding Hood. In mathematics we have been finding out about fractions. In order to understand what ¼, 2/4, ¾ and 4/4 means we created our own fraction pizzas from scratch. We have also been solving tricky problems. In our Art we have been developing our own Banksy works of art with paint. It has been really interesting finding out how to use our art to create messages.

Year 2 have been enjoying ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ over the past few weeks, The children have loved reading to each other, listening to friends read and independently reading the story. As a result we have also developed our own versions of the Marvellous Medicine stories. The children were proud of their achievements having used skills learnt in literacy throughout the topic. We are now looking forward to starting our new text ‘Ice Palace’. The class have written some brilliant predictions about what they think will happen in the story. We have also created mock-ups in clay of our ice palaces, when learning to join clay together. Next we will work on developing texture using the clay. All of Key Stage 1 have been working hard on making our Nativity superb. We look forward to sharing it with all of you and the school in the coming weeks!

Year 2 have had a great start to the year, working very hard in all subjects. As part of our literacy work ‘Out of the Blue’ pupils have been acting out what it might be like, as the main characters, exploring on the beach. Then the children wrote diaries as if they were the boy who lived in the lighthouse. We pretended that we woke up startled by the storm raging around us. Our next step is to explore what might happen after the Octopus is washed up on the beach.

 In our mathematics work we have been learning about two-digit numbers and exploring number sequences. We have found out about how number sequences work and how to find out what is happening in a number sequence. Some of us have even been working hard to solve problems like the one below…

 I start on number 18. I count on in 5s. Will I say the number 21? Yes or No

As part of our Design Technology learning we have been experimenting with cogs, levers and linkages to create our own moving animals. We look forward to sharing our final efforts, once we have designed and made them.

A copy of the September 2019 Curriculum Presentation can be found here