Year 4 – Maple
October 2023
Maple class have hit the ground running at the start of their learning in Year 4. They have read two versions of the 1000 year old tale of Beowulf and re-told it in their own words, covered the short column method for addition and subtraction in maths and experimented with electrical circuits, making their own switches. They have discovered where the Anglo-Saxons came from and why, as well as being able to place that period of history on a timeline. Add to that preparing weather forecasts in French, studying contemporary 3D artists, demonstrating their understanding of musical dynamics, honing their rugby skills and performing gymnastic routines. Not a bad first 5 weeks I think you will agree.
September 2021
An amazing and very busy start to Year 2!
We have been working hard on our English and Maths, sending and receiving using bats and balls in PE. We have been lucky enough to have Mr Gray helping us with our drumming in Music and we have been busy using the internet to find information in Computing. We even managed to earn 10 stars in the jar– it’s easy to guess from the photos what the children wanted to do!!!
June 2021
We have only been back from half term for a few days – but what a busy few days it has been! We start each day with handwriting, all the children have learnt to form their letters in a cursive style and are now learning to join. In Maths we have been learning all about time. The children have sorted days of the week and months of the year. We have made post it note clocks to show times. The children in Willow are really enjoying their reading and it is lovely to see them choosing and enjoying all sorts of books.
“My favourite thing is phonics”
“My favourite lesson is handwriting”
“I like the computers and playing on the number train game”
“I like it when we made our own clocks”
Well Done Willow Class – I am very proud of you all!
April 2021
Wow! It is hard to believe that the children have only been back for 3 weeks! The children have quickly settled back into school routine and have all been amazing!
“I just like being with all my friends”
It’s has been a busy 3 weeks with Red Nose Day, weighing to find out about heavy and light, daily handwriting lessons, making fruit salad, counting in2’s and 5’s, exploring paint and brushes and we have taken our learning inside and out.
January 2021
It’s been a busy couple of weeks with Willow class! There has been amazing learning both at home and school. We have learnt about the cold Polar Regions and the equator. The children have looked at instructions and have practised being bossy! We have investigated ice and the many different shapes it can be as well as which is the quickest way to melt it!
Willow class are fantastic and we are very proud of you all!
January 2021 Remote Learning
Willow Class have live, interactive and compulsory daily registration at 10:45. In addition children are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day at least 5 days a week. Click the Teams link below to join your lesson.
Digital copies of work will be uploaded on Tapestry. Paper copies can be picked up from the school.
You can submit your work on Tapestry or e-mail to or drop paper copies off at school when picking up your work for the following day.
Your daily phonic lessons available on the RWI picture/link below. You should have been informed by the Class Teacher which lesson your child should be doing.
In addition to the schools core offer (outlined above) there are some fantastic free digital resources to support home learning. As a school we strongly recommend BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy to families wishing additional resources.
You can use the links below to access digital books to read the sound learnt today.
January 2021 Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge
Now, more than ever, it is important that pupils are physically active to support both their physical and mental well-being and the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines are for all children to be active for 60 minutes each day, 30 minutes of which is supported by schools.
As such, the Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge will begin on Monday 11th January and will initially run until February Half Term. Every Newlands pupil is invited to take part and each week we will email out the following week’s challenges.
The main aim of our campaign is to get and keep pupils (and adults if they wish) moving whilst trying to have some fun! The challenges will include some Well Being and Dance activities so should fit all tastes and preferences and participation certificates will be issued to those who take the challenge. The first week’s challenges are attached and all that is required at the end of each week is to email Mr Neighbour to inform him that you have completed the weekly challenges.
This is purely voluntary and not something you are expected or mandated to take part in but we hope you will find it of value and assistance during the latest lockdown situation.
Merry Christmas from Willow
It has continued to be a busy term in year 1, learning both inside and outside. In geography, we have been learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom. In maths, we have been finding out about number families and using practical resources to help us. In between all our learning we have been having fun as well!
Dear Parents,
The children in Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed being able to use the outside area and we have been able to incorporate aspects of learning through their play. We are using the outside area most days and it does get muddy especially when the weather is wet. Please send your child in with a pair of named wellies in a carrier bag so they can enjoy their learning without worrying about the mud.
By merging our bubbles, we have been able to put the children into smaller phonic groups to follow the RWI Inc scheme. Reading books will now be changed during this time when appropriate for that group still on a weekly basis. We will still quarantine the books when they are returned before using again.
All the children were able to choose a book from the library last week. We are using the school library every 3 weeks. The next dates for changing books are:
Monday 9th November
Monday 30th November
We have a Reading eggs login for all the children, but this is only available until February. Please find this login in your child’s reading record.
This half term we have been learning about our bodies, senses and how the children have changed. Please could you send or email in a baby photo of your child. The children will be talking about how they have changed and what they can do now that they could not do as a baby and we can have some fun guessing who they are.
Thank you for your support
Top Tips for Year 1
(things we will be learning throughout the year and ways to support at home)
· Pure sounds – This is where we just say the letter sound. It is really easy to put a ‘u’ on the end of a sound but that alters the sound. E.g. ‘b’ rather than b – u, t rather than t – u
· Reading for short but frequent session at home is the best way for the children to make progress. Depending on the length of book/ditty 5 – 10 mins daily is more beneficial than a long read once a week
· Read books more than once – often on the first read the children are decoding and not focussing on the content of the book. Reading the book at least 2/3 times will allow the children to become fluent, add expression and understand the story/facts within the books.
· Number bonds – we have started to learn our number bonds to 10 e.g. 1 + 9 2 + 8 3 + 7 and so on. This are one of the most important things the children will learn in Year 1 because they will lead into many different ways with numbers. When you know number bonds to 10 you can use this for subtraction facts e.g. 10 – 3 = 7, missing numbers 10 – ? = 4, number bonds to 20 9 + 1 = 10/19 + 1 = 20 and when adding larger numbers 30 + 70 = 100/33 + ? = 40
· Number reversals – as we progress through the year we will insist on number being the right way round. The most usual numbers to be the wrong way round are 5, 7 and 9. Any practice with these would be greatly appreciated – pen and paper, chalk, water and paintbrushes, writing with their finger in shaving foam/sand/rice
· As the year progresses and when the children are ready, we will be learning a cursive handwriting style.
· We have been taking a growth mind-set approach with the children – the word ‘yet’ is really important
Eg. – “I can’t read that word – You can’t read that word YET but with some practice and perseverance you will be able to.”
We have talked a lot about how having a go at something is a good thing and nothing bad will happen by trying.
Meet The Teacher 2020
Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions we have been unable to host our popular Meet The Teacher sessions in school. Instead click on the links below to reader a letter of introduction from the class teacher and an expanded copy of our class presentation. If you could e-mail any questions you have to so that in the coming days we can make an FAQs page.
Wow! Well Done Year 1! You have made an amazing start to the term – we are very proud of you and the way you all come into school in the morning with a smile.
We have been learning both inside and using our outside classroom.
“Year 1 is good” “I love the toys” “I like going on the adventure playground”
The children have come back after Christmas with lots of new interests. We have looked into weddings and had our own. We have explored addition of two single digit numbers. We have talked about and practiced keeping our selves clean and healthy and with the cold weather has brought lots of discussion around ice and the opportunity to make our own different coloured Ice.
Mini Beasts in Chestnut Class
Chestnuts have had a wonderful first term and came back ready to get stuck in. Before half term we explored harvest and pumpkins. Children looked and felt inside a variety of pumpkins, carved them and even tried to plant the seeds. Coming back we have been searching for mini beasts and talking about how to look after living things.
First Week At School
It has been a pleasure welcoming our new Chestnut class to Newlands. They have settled in really quickly and have had a wonderful time exploring their new learning environment. Some visitors to school on Thursday were taken by how mature the children are and how quickly they have embraced life at primary school. When in the classroom or having lunch with the children it feels like they have been here for months instead of just 4 days.
We use Tapestry – an on-line learning journal and reporting system that uses parental feedback to ensure provision is carefully mapped to your child’s needs. Find out more about Tapestry here
For ideas and advice about communicating with your child click here
Please find below links to all 5 sets of key words that are shared with our Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage parents.
The June 2019 Welcome to Newlands/Meet the Team presentation can be found here