Year 5 – Beech
October 2023
Year 5 has had a busy start to the term and has been introduced to a wide variety of topics from outer space to the water cycle.
In English, we have enjoyed reading our class text, ‘The Jamie Drake Equation’ and describing our own alien creatures. We have recently been researching about Tim Peake and using our knowledge to write about his life. The children have particularly enjoyed our art lessons, where we have practiced portraiture and have used shading to create depth.
Our trip to Winchester Science Centre has been a real highlight of the term. Whilst there, we used the computers to create a code that made robots dance, we watched an exciting planetarium show and we finished the trip by exploring the exhibits and trying the wide variety of activities on offer.
September 2022
Maple class have made a great start to Year 4 embracing this year’s curriculum with great enthusiasm. We have started reading our English text – Beowulf, and have been writing a description of the monster Grendel. We have also been solving Place Value problems in Maths and showing our rugby and gymnastic skills in PE. This week we had great fun making electric circuits in Science and using our geographical knowledge to understand from where the Anglo Saxons and Vikings originated. Mr Redhead was impressed with our French pronunciation when talking about ‘les animaux’ and our MS Word skills in Computing. We have even found time to listen to Tchaikovsky to identify different dynamics within a piece of music and draw our names in 3D. Not bad for the first 2 weeks!
October 2021
Year 3 have been exploring our topic of Stone Age and Iron Age Britain this term. The children have been reading ‘The Boy with a Bronze Axe’, which as well as being a great story, gives lots of detail of what it was like living on the Stone Age settlement of Skara Brae. In our literacy work, children have been writing speeches about what should happen to Tenko, a stranger, who washed up on the island from the mainland. This led us on to looking at what makes speeches persuasive and the children have learnt to use persuasive phrases and emotive vocabulary to put forward an argument. The children chose their own topics to write a speech about, with great results. In mathematics we have been learning how to add and subtract 3-digit numbers. The children have been using their maths to crack the code and solve problems. As part of our art project we have explored how people would have made their cave art in the Stone Age. We can be seen below creating our own paint using natural items to make the paint. The children then created their own cave art. It has been a great start to the year. Silver Birch have worked incredibly hard and have enjoyed their learning.
June 2021
Over the past half term, the children have been thoroughly enjoying their Titanic topic! As part of this topic, we have explored reasons for the sinking of the Titanic, how the sinking of the ship impacted sea travel in history and the different events which happened leading up to the sinking of the Titanic. The children have produced a number of very thoughtful pieces of work including writing as a person boarding the Titanic- to show how incredible the event was. Also the children have explored how the Titanic sank, which led to them writing an explanation text of how the famous ship sank. When we learnt our recent art topic we applied our knowledge of blending watercolour paints and using different brushes to create a painting of the Titanic in perilous seas. Our inspiration was a number of seascapes painted by JW Turner. They turned out superbly and are now in pride of place on our classroom wall. In DT we made 3D models using different techniques for cutting, joining and using the card to create our ships. In maths we have been measuring length, volume and mass. This week we used our great measuring skills to create our own cheesecakes. Then we compared the weights of our cakes to each other. It has been a wonderful effort by all and a fun-packed half term.
April 2021
Year 2 have come back from a lovely Easter break raring to go and brimming with positive attitudes to their work! Very well done Year 2! Our topic this term is Titanic. The children have explored the different features of adverts this week and we are writing our own adverts to encourage people what an incredible cruise liner the Titanic is. We have used a range of persuasive language and rhetorical questions to encourage the reader to want to buy their tickets to America. Our history topic will underpin many of our different curriculum subjects this half term. For example in our Design Technology we are going to build a 3D card Titanic which uses a simple electrical circuit to light it up. In Art we will create a watercolour seascape with a ship detailed in pen or chalk. In our Mathematics we have just learnt about 3D shapes, their properties and how to sort them according to their properties. Our next topic is to revisit multiplication and division for our times tables (2x, 5x and 10x). The children have been working really hard to develop their mental maths skills and playing lots of fun games to get quicker at our recall of maths facts! As part of our computing work, we will be exploring how to create tree diagrams and search databases. In PE we are currently learning to play hockey in our class. The children really enjoyed their first session this week, in which we learned to hold the hockey stick, control the ball and change direction with the hockey stick as well as pass a hockey ball to a partner. We look forward to sharing more of our work as the term progresses!
January 2021
Over the past few weeks Year 2 have been reading our new text ‘The Queen’s Nose’. We have made our own clues for a treasure hunt, like the one the main character Harmony went on, to discover her magical fifty pence piece. We have been learning about fractions and many of us at home and at school have made pizzas. We have learnt how to put ingredients on 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3 as well as on different amounts of quarters. We are currently designing healthy snacks as part of our Design Technology topic. Many of us have ideas about how to create fun but healthy snacks using ingredients such as fruit, vegetables, cheese and other ingredients. Our maths focus has been to develop our times tables knowledge for 2x, 5x and 10x. It has been a good start to the Spring Term. The children at home have been incredible with their learning as have the children in class!
January 2021 Remote Learning
Oak Class have live, interactive and compulsory daily registration at 10:00. In addition children are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day at least 5 days a week. Click the Teams link below to join your lesson.
Digital copies of work will be uploaded on Tapestry. Paper copies can be picked up from the school or downloaded here.
You can submit your work on Tapestry or e-mail to or drop paper copies off at school when picking up your work for the following day.
Your daily phonic lessons available on the RWI picture/link below. You should have been informed by the Class Teacher which lesson your child should be doing.
In addition to the schools core offer (outlined above) there are some fantastic free digital resources to support home learning. As a school we strongly recommend BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy to families wishing additional resources.
January 2021 Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge
Now, more than ever, it is important that pupils are physically active to support both their physical and mental well-being and the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines are for all children to be active for 60 minutes each day, 30 minutes of which is supported by schools.
As such, the Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge will begin on Monday 11th January and will initially run until February Half Term. Every Newlands pupil is invited to take part and each week we will email out the following week’s challenges.
The main aim of our campaign is to get and keep pupils (and adults if they wish) moving whilst trying to have some fun! The challenges will include some Well Being and Dance activities so should fit all tastes and preferences and participation certificates will be issued to those who take the challenge. The first week’s challenges are attached and all that is required at the end of each week is to email Mr Neighbour to inform him that you have completed the weekly challenges.
This is purely voluntary and not something you are expected or mandated to take part in but we hope you will find it of value and assistance during the latest lockdown situation.
It has continued to be a busy term in Oak class. In computing we have using our newly acquired skills to put together a part of Christmas film. In between all our learning we have been having fun as well!
Year 2 have been working extremely hard on writing their stories the Ice Palace. More recently we have been rewriting our own versions of Little Red Riding Hood. In mathematics we have been finding out about fractions. In order to understand what ¼, 2/4, ¾ and 4/4 means we created our own fraction pizzas from scratch. We have also been solving tricky problems. In our Art we have been developing our own Banksy works of art with paint. It has been really interesting finding out how to use our art to create messages.
Meet The Teacher 2020
Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions we have been unable to host our popular Meet The Teacher sessions in school. Instead click on the links below to reader a letter of introduction from the class teacher and an expanded copy of our class presentation. If you could e-mail any questions you have to so that in the coming days we can make an FAQs page.
“We have loved reading ‘How to wash a woolly mammoth’ and ‘The lonely Beast’” – Alexia
“We have been learning to write instructions, that’s why we made chocolate cakes” – Lyla
“We have been learning to count in 5’s and 10’s” – Annabelle
“We have been learning about cold snowy mountains and icebergs in Antarctica” – Isla
Year 1 have worked very hard over the last few weeks and we are very proud of them.
We have been partitioning ‘teen’ numbers into tens and ones, counting in tens and looking at number lines practically and thinking where the numbers go.
In English have been following the story of ‘Halibut Jackson’ by David Lucas. He is a very shy character and the children have been writing descriptions and letters about him.
In art, we have been creating portraits with pencil and paint. The children have thought very carefully about where the different features are on faces with great results.
Wow! Well Done Year 1 for a great start to the year! We have completed so much learning in the last two weeks and you have all been amazing. We have been doing Phonics, Maths and English everyday as well as learning about our topic in the afternoons.
A copy of the September 2019 Curriculum Presentation can be found here
Work for Children Isolating – Friday 19th November 2021
Click on the Teams logo to access the dedicated class virtual meeting space.
Teams Timetable
9.10am- 9.20am Maths, Spelling or Grammar (Remote Learners)
9.45am- 10.00am Literacy input (Remote Learners)
10.00am- 10.15am Maths input (Remote Learners)
1.30pm- 2.00pm Mental Maths input, foundation (Remote Learners)
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well. Last day of remote learning online today. Well done to all of the children for their brilliant efforts!
Best wishes,
Mrs Furzland
Daily activities:
Spelling– look, cover, write and check their words.
Reading– children could read a reading book for 30 minutes practising their fluency and application of phonics. Please feel free to ask your child inference questions, where they need to consider the hidden meaning of what has been written (e.g. Why did the character behave in that way? What was the reason for the character feeling upset?). Children could make predictions about what they think might happen and why, using evidence from the text to explain their predictions.
Times tables– children could write out and chant their times tables forwards and backwards. Children could also learn the division facts for their tables.
Here are some great internet games to help with efficiency and recall.
Specific activities:
Spellings– look at the suffix matrix provided. See how many different words with these suffixes you can create making sure that you spell them correctly.
Literacy– For our literacy today we are learning about how to use nouns and pronouns to make paragraphs flow in our work. Have a look at the paragraph of writing below:
Hogarth’s father got in his car. Hogarth’s father started the engine. Hogarth’s father sped quickly down the lane, to speak with another farmer. Hogarth’s father told the farmer that the Iron Man was back. Hogarth’s father was holding his gun and looking all around him, just incase the Iron Man came.
Hogarth’s father got in his car. Hogarth’s father started the engine. Hogarth’s father sped quickly down the lane, to speak with another farmer. Hogarth’s father told the farmer that the Iron Man was back. Hogarth’s father was holding his gun and looking all around him, just incase the Iron Man came.
What do you notice about the paragraph? Does it flow? Why not? What has happened in most sentences of the paragraph? How could we improve this paragraph?
Each sentence starts with the character name (Hogarth’s father), which means that it does not flow well and is not joined well (cohesive) from sentence to sentence.
Hogarth’s father- could also be
Pronouns- him, he
Nouns- the farmer, the old man, the caring father
When we use different nouns or pronouns to refer to Hogarth’s father it makes the paragraph flow much better. We do need to start using his name in the first sentence of people will not know who we are talking about.
e.g. He got in his car. (We would not know who he is.)
Hogarth’s father got in his car. He started the engine.
This flows much better, we need to say who we are talking about at first in the paragraph, but now we can alternate the use of nouns and pronouns to refer to Hogarth’s father, so that the paragraph flows better and makes sense.
Look at the activity sheet with a paragraph about Hogarth and see if you can think of different nouns and pronouns to refer to Hogarth, then rewrite the paragraph so that you are not using Hogarth to begin every sentence, so that it makes sense.
Maths– today the children will be revisiting the time on the analogue clock. They will be revisiting the times ‘o’ clock, half past and quarter past. Some of the children will also be learning five minute intervals to half past on the analogue clock.
Remember ‘o’ clock the long minute hand is on the 12 to show that a new hour has started. The short hour hand is on the hour it is, so if it is 9 ‘o’ clock the short hour hand is on the 9, while the long minute hand is on the 12.
Half past- because half of the hour has gone past the long minute hand is on the 6 to show that is it half past. The short hour hand is half way between the hour it is half past and the hour it is moving towards. For example half past 3 the hour hand would be inbetween the 3 and 4 to show it is half an hour after 3 and half an hour to 4.
Quarter past- the long minute hand is on the 3 to show that fifteen minutes has passed which is a quarter of an hour. The short hour hand is just past the hour number it is quarter past. For example quarter past 6, the long minute hand is on the 3 and the short hour hand is just past the 6.
Science- an extra science activity for you this afternoon. We talked about sources of light in our science lesson. A source of light is where light is created by an object. For example we talked about how a torch is a source of light, because it creates its own light. I would like you to look at the examples of different sources of light and see if you can work out which are natural sources of light (they are made by natural things and occur in nature) and which sources of light are man-made. Challenge- can you add any of your own examples?
PSHE– As today is your last day of having remote learning work online and you are joining us back in the classroom shortly, I would like to you to create a poster showing me everything you have been doing, while you have been isolating. You could share what you are looking forward to and anything you are concerned about or are thinking about with regards to going back to school. Please bring this with you on Tuesday or on your first day back to school. It will help me to make sure you are looked after, when we go back to school. J
Have a great day!
Parents work explanation Friday