Year 3 – Silver Birch

Class Presentation

Click on the Teams logo to access the dedicated class virtual meeting space.

September 2023

Wow! What a busy start to this academic year for Year 3! We have been learning so much from securing our place value knowledge in Maths using different resources, looking at two different books in English, which are Stone Age Boy- our favourite so far. We have also looked at The Boy with the Bronze Axe. We have discovered lots about the journey in a computer without even using a laptop! We have also enjoyed doing lots of drama activities in our lessons too- they are always lots of fun!

September 2021

Willow Class have made a fantastic start to Year 1! The children have settled back in with smiles on their faces and we are all enjoying learning lots of new subjects together, indoors and outdoors. In science we have been looking at the body and what our different body parts are for. In RE we tasted different fruit and vegetables to begin our Harvest topic. In history we have been talking about the toys we used to play with and the toys we play with now. We even interviewed some Year 6’s to find out their favourite toys!

Click on the Teams logo to access the dedicated class virtual meeting space.

Chestnut & Willow Class June 2021

Chestnut and Willow class had a fantastic time on their trip last week and everyone came back with massive smiles! We explored the park and had a great time feeding the different farm animals. It was the best first school trip we could of asked for! And we can’t forget how exciting the coach was! 🙂

May 2021

The children have been very excited to find a Robins nest in our construction shed. The eggs have now flown away but we are now exploring the nest left behind. This linked to our new learning of a frog life cycle this term. Mrs Stringer and I have been blown away with all the challenges the children are setting themselves, in all areas of learning. Well done Chestnut class!

March 2021

In Chestnut Class we love Dough Disco. Dough Disco is a great activity for helping us to develop our fine motor skills. It strengthens the muscles in our hands and develops our hand-eye co-ordination which will later enable us to hold a pencil correctly and use it effectively. These are essential skills that we need to later be able to write.

March 2021

We were very excited to welcome all of Chestnut back last week and they have come back full of fantastic energy and big smiles. We have begun by following the children’s interest about Spring, which of course led to growing our own beanstalks to see if a giant lives at the top and lots of talk about the Easter bunny and Easter eggs. The children have also been doing some fantastic subtraction work this week.

January 2021

‘Chestnut Class have adapted amazingly to remote learning. I have enjoyed seeing them all every day on Microsoft teams. We are beginning to look at being healthy, starting with healthy foods and foods that we have as a treat. Also we have been working on ur number bonds to 5’

January 2021 Remote Learning

Oak Class have live, interactive and compulsory daily registration at 9:45. In addition children are expected to read for a minimum of 20 minutes per day at least 5 days a week. Click the Teams link below to join your lesson.

Digital copies of work will be uploaded on Tapestry. Paper copies can be picked up from the school.

You can submit your work on Tapestry or e-mail to or drop paper copies off at school when picking up your work for the following day.

Your daily phonic lessons available on the RWI picture/link below. You should have been informed by the Class Teacher which lesson your child should be doing.

In addition to the schools core offer (outlined above) there are some fantastic free digital resources to support home learning. As a school we strongly recommend BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy to families wishing additional resources.

 You can use the links below to access digital books to read the sound learnt today.

January 2021 Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge

Now, more than ever, it is important that pupils are physically active to support both their physical and mental well-being and the Chief Medical Officer’s guidelines are for all children to be active for 60 minutes each day, 30 minutes of which is supported by schools.

As such, the Hampshire Schools Games Daily Challenge will begin on Monday 11th January and will initially run until February Half Term. Every Newlands pupil is invited to take part and each week we will email out the following week’s challenges.

The main aim of our campaign is to get and keep pupils (and adults if they wish) moving whilst trying to have some fun! The challenges will include some Well Being and Dance activities so should fit all tastes and preferences and participation certificates will be issued to those who take the challenge. The first week’s  challenges are attached and all that is required at the end of each week is to email  Mr Neighbour to inform him that you have completed the weekly challenges.

This is purely voluntary and not something you are expected or mandated to take part in but we hope you will find it of value and assistance during the latest lockdown situation.

HSG Week ONE Challenges (1)

Merry Christmas from Chestnut Class

Just before half term we had lots of fun in Chestnut class exploring pumpkins! This week we have enjoyed playing in the adventure playground at lunchtimes and looking at the dark. We have written about what we think of the dark, talked about and created our own firework pictures and dressed our bears correctly for the new cold weather.

Meet The Teacher  2020

Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions we have been unable to host our popular Meet The Teacher sessions in school. Instead click on the links below to reader a letter of introduction from the class teacher and an expanded copy of our class presentation. If you could e-mail any questions you have to so that in the coming days we can make an FAQs page.

Chestnut letter

Welcome to Chestnut Class


Chestnuts First Week 2020

Chestnuts have had an amazing first week at school. They have enjoyed exploring all the new resources and they have said their favourite part of school is…..’lunch’. We are all looking forward to fun filled year together.

Welcome to Newlands Primary. We are very excited that you will be joining us in September. Normally we would have lots activities at the school to welcome you and share information, however due to the Covid-19 we have had to change things. You will of already had a visit from Mr Neighbour and possibly Miss Davies to drop of your new water bottle and lots of paper work that needs filling in. On this page of the web-site are lots of things that we would of shared with you on your visits to the school. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ring (01252 871188) or e-mail myself ( and we will try our best to answer them.

Welcome to Newlands Primary School June 2020

Video of Chestnut Class

Year R 2020 Induction Arrangements

Transition book

Parent Guide for Writing EYFS 2020

SLS 2019-20 Recommended Reads Year R Booklist

Hampshire School Readiness Leaflet

Useful Links


High Quality daily phonics lessons

 Daily online lessons recommended by the Department for Education

We use Tapestry, an on-line learning journal and reporting system that uses parental feedback to ensure provision is carefully mapped to your child’s needs.  Find out more about Tapestry here

For ideas and advice about communicating with your child click here

Please find below links to all 5 sets of key words that are shared with our Key Stage 1 and Foundation Stage parents.

Key Words Set 1

Key Words Set 2

Key Words Set 3

Key Words Set 4

Key Words Set 5